Interested in rushing Theta Tau? Rush for Fall 2024 is just around the corner! Contact us for more information and keep an eye out for updates!
Learn About Rushing Theta Tau
FAQs about Rushing
When is Fall 2024 Rush happening?
Fall 2024 Rush begins September 3rd. Rush events will take place on campus. We typically meet at the Mason Statue at 7:04 each evening. Check our Instagram (@gmuthetatau) for up to date information!!
Who can rush?
Anyone of any majors can come to rush events but only students with declared majors in the School of Engineering and Computing (excluding Stat Majors) can join the chapter after going through the pledging process.
Why should you Join?
Theta Tau is not just a professional society. This fraternity is a community of like-minded engineers who enjoy serving the community and the fraternity in a variety of aspects. Brotherhood is what binds us together, and we have a connection to each other like no other. From helping each other out with homework to going to concerts to simply enjoying a meal together, the fraternity of Theta Tau will impact you in a positive manner. You will not only be surrounded by brotherly support, you will be encouraged and motivated by the fraternity to be your best and accomplish great things. Many of the brothers can attest to the great benefits of joining Theta Tau, so come ask us at a rush event. Once a Brother, always a Brother.
Do I have to come to every Rush Event?
Come to as many rush events as you can! Although you are not required to attend every event, it is highly recommended that you talk with the Brothers as much as possible. This makes it easier for you to get an understanding of our fraternity and for the Brothers to get an understanding of who you are.
What do I need to rush?
1.) Be at least 18 years of age.
2.) Must be enrolled in a program leading to an Engineering or Computing degree.
3.) Attend weekly meetings.
4.) Not be members of a competing organization. (There are no competing organizations at GMU)
5.) Must not be within 6 months of graduation.
6.) Have a GPA of at least 2.0 (Pledges without a GPA will be initated after they receive their GPA)
Why do we meet at 7:04 pm?
We meet at 7:04 PM to recognize our history. Theta Tau was founded as the Society of Hammer and Tongs in 1904; henceforth, we meet at 7:04.